Researching fire and food in a changing climate.
Starting in Janury 2023, this website is an archive. The views expressed in this website and accompanying blog do not necessarily represent the views of NASA or the United States.
I use geospatial science and data to document, analyze, and predict complexities of wildland and human-caused fire, from individual to global scales. I have a particular interest in fire emissions and modeling, regional food security, land-cover/land-use change, and the Arctic. As a mom, I am concerned with helping children and future generations have better lives.
In Spring 2022, I visited Arctic Lapland in Finland - it was amazing! In 2023, I hope to re-visit the Arctic in North America.
In Winter 2023, I will transition to a civil servant position with NASA and this website will be an archive.
I will not be updating this website because my day job is with NASA.
As an Associate Professor of Geography at Miami University, I led NASA and USDA-funded projects on land change science, food security, and fire using satellites and geospatial science. I maintain an Adjunct Associate Professor of Geography position with Miami University but am no longer advising students or teaching.
This website is an archive of my academic career and can help others find my personal social media accounts.
This website was started to showcase me as a scientist.
To learn more about my day-to-day research, follow me on Twitter , contact me via LinkedIn, or read my archived blog.
As an employee of NASA, my research is publicly-funded and publicly-available.
Wanna work for NASA - especially in earth science and/or geospatial applications? I will post new job opportunities at my LinkedIn account. Students and early career folks should check out NASA DEVELOP and NASA FINESST.